Character rocket flight

I have been looking around but I cannot seem to be able to figure this out. I am trying to build a jetpack type blueprint with rotation in either paper 2D or the 3D sidescroller. Trying it with a static mesh and a character. This video shows what I made in a different engine - YouTube and I am just trying to duplicate it here.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi FatMoth,

Here is the solution that I came up with. It should at least be enough to get you started in the right direction.

I created this from the default SideScroller Template. All blueprints are alterations of the MyCharacter blueprint.

  • I set 3 timers on Event Begin Play.

  • Thrust

  • RotateLeft

  • RotateRight

  • I make CustomEvents that match the names of the timers to drive the rotation of the player.

  • Next we get the Actors Rotation and get an Up Vector to drive the thrust. For the Thrust I used an Add Force node because it mimics a rockets thrust fairly well.

  • I also changed the Character Movement component in the Components tab. I zeroed out the Rotation Rate so the mesh didn’t rotate left to right.

  • Cleared the Skeletal Mesh from the Mesh component and added a new Static Mesh Component of a cone as a rocket placeholder.

  • Cleared the Anim Blueprint Generated Class to none.

I hope that helps. If you have any questions just let me know.



Thank you so much! This will be a huge help.

Here is the blueprint in action. I added the rocket mesh from the Content Examples and a fire particle effect for fun.

That is so awesome! Already working on my new 3D based assets to put in this game. Thank you again.

Thanks this helped a lot :slight_smile:

However I’m having a few issues in that the mesh rotates towards the screen rather than left and right? Also how did you create the “character movement” node in the last picture, not sure what this is?

Help much appreciated

This was from 4.2 I think. Instead of the pitch yaw nodes, maybe try using axis nodes for setting rotations?

Never mind Fixed the rotation issue :slight_smile: What would be the best way to add acceleration?

Hey Mike,

It depends on what type of movement you want but the solution I provided above will give you more of a realistic ‘physics-like’ thrust.

Or you could add a more rigid arcade style.

What type are you looking for?