Can anyone help or direct me to definitive tutorials on proper rigging in Blender of imported FBX files, allowing the use of included character animations? Alternately, can an FBX be rigged inside Unreal?
When I set the FBX character import option to “None” for skeleton, the character’s limbs are static during game play. When I set the FBX character import option to “UE4_Mannequin_Skeleton” for skeleton, the character and rig ‘explode’ in unpredictable ways.
The files can be downloaded here…
Distorted Unreal File: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life
Rigged Blender File: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life
Rigged FBX File: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life
Thank you in advance for your help! This is a game-stopper (pun intended).