Character Retargeting Issue: Feet Sinking into the Ground and Height Changes after Retargeting

Hi! I am beginner of UE5. After retargeting animation, feet of target character shrink in to ground…

I checked my target character (Paragon Kwang) and confirmed that it is larger than the source character (UE4 Mannequin). However, after animation retargeting, the target character’s feet sink into the ground.

The issue appears to be due to the larger scale of my character and slight differences in the feet bone (ball) position, which cause the feet to sink deeper below the ground compared to the original character.

Additionally, the character’s movement is exaggerated, including excessive movement below ground level.

I’m currently using IK Goals and have set the “Blend To Source” option to 1, along with applying offsets to mitigate the problem. However, I’m wondering if manually adjusting each of my many animations is the only solution, or if there’s a more efficient way to resolve the foot sinking issue across all animations.

Is your characters class using a collision component? The default root for character is a capsule component you may need to adjust the skeletal mesh relative location to it in the BP

Yes, I have adjusted the capsule component to align the feet at the start of the animation, but it seems like the animation’s scale has changed. For example, during the foot placement movement, the character’s feet are lowered further than in the original animation, causing them to go below the ground.

Should be able to edit the animation, just set the z location curve a little higher

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Thank you!!

I alleviated the issue by setting the translation of the Root Bone to Absolute in the Root settings, adjusting the Blend to Source option to 1 instead of 0, and fine-tuning the Offset values accordingly.