The issue with this picture is that for whatever reason, the target of “Assign button was clicked” node will only accept object references, not structs. This has severely hampered my ability to progress with my project as a whole. And I don’t have any experience with other inventory systems (A list that populates like in Skyrim’s inventory interface would be ideal, but don’t understand enough to replicate it)
Any input on either a fix or an alternative would be greatly appreciated, I can’t continue without this working.
I made a separate project and attempted to perform a simple health bar binding, and it somehow works with no problems. Perhaps there is a way to update the project’s blueprint nodes?
Imported working assets from original project. Character BP does still has this problem.
Created new character BP, still running into this issue. Not only does it tell me that “Character reference is incompatible with Character reference” but also the slot reference is still incompatible with the ForEachLoop
I feel like a fool. Make sure you are aware of your naming conventions and how they differ from the ones in a tutorial. I had confused nodes like “Cast to my character” as static nodes (that do not change, like eventbeginplay) But instead “My Character” is referring specifically to the “My Character” character blueprint. Where mine was instead named “PlayerCharacter”. Once I figured this out, everything else worked perfectly fine. Replaced it with “Cast to PlayerCharacter” and then followed the rest of the steps in the video.
Hi, I’ve got the same problem as your first screenshot, where the variable “gethealth” is not showing up and remains incompatible even after making it publically editable