Hi every one,
I’m currently doing a top down templated space shooter for learning how to use ue4.
I’ve done some projectile thrown by my character with the actor + projectile movement way to do
And some missile with the character + Behaviour tree way to do.
Thing is when i wanted to add overheat feature to my ship (if you fire too much you won’t be able to fire for x sec)
I decided to start again and create a weapon class that can spawn projectile.
The problem came when i decided that a weapon can spawn a projectile that inherite from a projectile master class i’ll do.
Thing is if I understood well that only Character derived class can have a Character movement component.
And Character derived class cannot replace their Character movement component for something else like a projectile movement component.
So how can i have a weapon that can fire a Character or an Actor (or a pawn) without making double dev ?
Is there a way to override inherited movement component maybe ?
The only way I can see now is double dev. Any other idea ?
P.S: I’m french, sorry for my english if i made mistakes.