Character phases through floor, and their camera snaps when crouching. No help anywhere else.

Hi everyone, I have a simple crouch system running on a flip flop triggered by my Left Shift key.

Problem is, whenever i crouch, my character will clip into the floor, but will not fall through. What’s more is that my camera will not follow my character’s head, but instead will instantly snap to my desired position. The crouching animation will play, however, and the crouch functionality itself works. My issues here are entirely visual. I’ve made a couple posts about this before but I’ve gotten no answers.

I’m still pretty new to UE, so I’ll try to answer any questions as best I can.

Below is a video of my issue. Help is greatly appreciated.

How are you crouching; are you using unreals built in crouch functions, or your own implementation?
this could be why the anims are clipping if you are using your own implementation, if not then I assume there’s an issue with the root of the anim.

With your camera issue; I once again assume you have a camera attached to maybe a spring arm or to your player capsule. If you use unreals built in crouching, i’m pretty sure it just cuts your capsule in half, or scales it down by half which is why you see the jumping when you switch between because it instantly changes the value rather than lerping it. Try adding the spring arm/camera to your mesh (add it to your neck socket or something) instead of your capsule and it should move at the same speed as your anim.

  1. UE’s built-in function. I also made it so you can use the spacebar to uncrouch (it’s not perfect. i’m trying) My blueprint is somewhere down there.

  2. doesn’t seem like a horrible idea. Problem is I have no idea how to go about doing it :stuck_out_tongue:

i think you’d need to adjust the mesh offset when crouching.

by defaults its -90 on the z (from memory) because the capsule is approx 180 in height (so effectively the middle) when you crouch the capsule height changed so the mesh offset also needs to change