Character Not Rotation While Moving

I am trying to understand why my character is not rotating towards the desired input.

Any help is appreciated.

I implemented the following function for movement

void AMainPlayerController::Move(const FInputActionValue& Value)
	// input is a Vector2D
	FVector2D MovementVector = Value.Get<FVector2D>();
	// Only proceed if there is a significant movement input
	if (!MovementVector.IsNearlyZero())
		// Transform the input vector into a 3D vector with no Z component
		FVector InputVector = FVector(MovementVector, 0);

		// Get the rotation of the input vector
		FRotator MovementRotator = InputVector.Rotation();

		// Get the pawn that is being controlled by this controller
		APawn* ControlledPawn = GetPawn();

		if (ControlledPawn)
			// Set the rotation of the pawn to the rotation of the input vector

			// Move the pawn in the direction of the input vector
			ControlledPawn->AddMovementInput(InputVector, MovementSpeed, false);