I was trying to undo some changes which I made to the FPS character blueprint. However, when I play the game now, my character is unpossessed by default. I’ve searched forlink text similar issues faced by others like adjusting world and project settings to FPS game mode but it still doesnt work.
Do you know what controller your character is using? If so, make a Blueprint subclass of that controller and override the “OnPossess” event and print a string or something. Make sure you set your character to use that controller instead of the original one. This should tell you if you are actually getting possessed. When the “OnPossess” event is called, your controller should have already possessed the character.
I am editing the default FPS character blueprint, when I should have made a copy and edited that instead.
I also can’t seem to find that controller you are referring to. Sorry but I’m pretty new to UE4 and my background is in art. Not sure what you mean by creating a blueprint sub-class.
Is there any way I can download the default FPS blueprint again?