Going a little insane trying to figure out why my character isn’t performing the dodge animation I want it to. Did a little digging and I’m ending up lost as to why its not playing. For context, I have a character that, whenever the given “dodge” input is performed, should play a dodge animation. The way I do this is a Boolean gathered from the owner, seen here:
The blue wire is working, for the record. If I do the dodge input and print out the value of “AnimDodge” while AnimDodge is true, I get this:
The “True” is the value of AnimDodge, and the "Attempting Dodge is a print statement on the character blueprint that occurs whenever I press the “Dodge” input.
Clearly the AnimDodge value is transitioning back and forth properly. So I go to check my conditions in the state machine (brace for a pretty ugly looking state machine, sry).
Jog to Dodge (I know realistically I should have a “speed > x” condition, but even with that it still didn’t work. Same from Idle to Dodge)
Idle to Dodge
Dodge to Idle (just when the Dodge animation is ending)
What baffles me even more is that in the preview window, when I put “AnimDodge” to true, the dodging animation does play.
Hello, the only solution I have found to this problem is to set player input to enabled but that only works for other blueprint and for some reason player input is not available in the animation blueprint.
This is what my animation blueprint looks like and it all works except the key input
This works by pressing F which sets the Boolean to true and prints the True string and activates the animation and when you release the key it will stop printing true but instead False. Also, the orange line that it’s connected to is the Event Blueprint Update Animation which keeps the branch always updating. I’ve tried this in other blueprints with an event tick and it works.
What I get once I start the game is the False string printing and when I press the key F it does nothing
Hi BioFrost.in, I found the solution to this problem. So, input keys just don’t work at all inside of the animation blueprint So to solve this problem you make an input key inside of a different blueprint like the player character blueprint.
So, this is the Character blueprint and I have created a whole bunch of Boolean variables that turn on when the key is pressed and turn off when the key is released
The next step is to go back to the animation blueprint then Type in Get ______ which is the name from your character blueprint Boolean which for an example I used The Boolean Left Look
So now that you have this variable inside of the animation blueprint make a New Boolean variable and call it something for example, I called it Left Peak and then set that variable to the Set if confused look down below at the image. Also note that the set Boolean must update so that the input will stop otherwise it won’t ever update so connect it to the Event Blueprint Update Animation