Which part is not working, movement or rotation?
cant see how movement is setup so dont know about that, but for rotation try multiplying axis value by 10 or 100 and plugging that into the make vector node. it may result in a more precise find look at rotation result. Also can you go into more detail about the problem. It doesnt do anything at all (no reaction to input from keyboard or gamepad)? It does something but only from Keyboard? It does something but the result is wrong?
Sorry just to confirm, movement works but rotation doesnt, right? To pinpoint the problem, can you bind some keyboard inputs to rotation and test to see if keyboard input will rotate the player?
your project probably won’t upload here because its more than maximum attachment size of 5 MB. if you can upload it somewhere I will take a look. Be sure to remove Saved and Intermediate folders, they are not required and just take up the space
Here’s you new input setup (notice FaceEast and FaceNorth):
And here’s your new Rotation graph (click on picture link at the end to open a big version):
Good luck!
Did this work flawlessly for you, as it only turns left and right rotation for me?
Flawless for me and quite smooth. Make sure your FaceNorth is setup correctly? It should be Gamepad Right Thumbstick Y-Axis (Notice the Y). Also please double check that you copied the graph correctly.
paste some screenshots if you want, I will take a look. Input and rotation graph
Your FaceNorth is Gamepad LEFT Thumbstick Y-Axis, it should be Gamepad RIGHT Thumbstick Y-Axis
Ah nice spot, thanks for all your help. Life saver.
My pleasure, good luck with the project!
Hi guys, I’m trying to give my character the ability to move using the virtual joysticks. The left one allowing the character forwards, backwards, left, and right. While the right simply allows the character to rotate and the camera being still viewing through a top down position. But for some reason I can’t seem to get it working.
I’ve also created a zip with my project in on the odd chance someone wants to take a look at where i’m going wrong:
These are the steps I took:
Began by using the 3rd person template set up for mobile.
Set up the input settings.
Deleted the follow camera and boom, then created a new camera with a spring arm.
Set the spring arm length to 700 and the rotation to 0,-90,0.
In the character movement I unchecked the Orient Rotation to Movement.
Cleared the old blueprints and set up the new blueprints.
Tried multiplying the axis by 10 and 100 neither worked:
I’ve now tested with keyboard inputs but still no results:
Just the rotation
I tried multiplying the axis by 10 and 100 and neither showed any results, I’ve also updated the post with the same information. As to your comment regarding the details of the problem, let me elaborate.
I have two joysticks on screen the left one allows the player to move (which is working) the right allows the player to rotate (doesn’t work). The results i’m getting are quite straight forward the joystick isn’t making the character rotate or move in any way at all.
Thanks for helping me here by the way
To confirm yes movement is working on the left joystick. But rotation isn’t working on the right joystick. I have tested this just now with keyboard inputs of 1,2,3, and 4 but still no results. I’ve added the additional information into the post as an update along with a copy of my project in a zip in case that might help.
I uploaded it to my drive, thanks again