I want to use animations with no root motion for locomotion but root motion for certain moves. is this possible? right now if I set the animation blueprint to use root motion from everything the movement stops working, but the moves work.
Can I not use root motion for everything but also just drive movement from code by using the ‘add movement input’ nodes as you normally would?
For anyone who comes across this problem - it’s a bug with 4.6. Unfortunately there are other root motion bugs in 4.7, though this particular issue is fixed. I suggest not using root motion for the time being. wait a few months for this all to be fixed and get on with making other parts of the game (I’m applying offsets manually in the event graph of the animation blueprint using anim notifies for the time being. ugly, but it works)
Could you elaborate? What is the bug exactly?
I am suffering the same problem, “root motion from everything” disables my character’s movement, the animation works fine though, could anyone please tell me how to solve this issue?
You could create Montages out of the moves you have and set Root Motion from Montages Only in the Animation Blueprint.
I imagine the problem with Root Motion from Everything is that your locomotion animations have a root that isn’t moving at all, so your character isn’t going to either.