Character movement, move in the direction of the character aim in 3D axis, 3rd person 3D level

Hi ! I think its the first time i use this page to have help since i’ve only watch others work and never tried ue5 for a serious project. I’m kind of trying to create a game where the essential component is the character movement since the main level is an open world underwater where you play as a fish (third person).

The most obvious and natural movement system i thought about was aiming to go forward (starfing still working (but can disable it , not important)), so if you look up: the fish rotate on the pitch angle and go to the surface, and looking down: same but going deep (all that without using a third button like one who will have the same effect as a jump or thruster).

I’ve found the way to do so for left and right so for the yaw angle, wich was an option to tick on the character movement details in default class from my character BP: “Use controller rotation Yaw” (it kind of lock the camera on what the character see (aim)), but the same check box for the pitch only make my character rotate on the pitch angle (which i need; make the fish look up when aiming up thats it) but some how the character dont go along the vector of this rotation pitch.

So I then tried to figure out how it doesnt go where it look/aim as i thought by ticking the yaw option check box, by looking in the character blueprint created by following a ytb tutorial and tried to change the “get control rotation” and “forward vector” relations so with the pitch value specifically and others combinasons as well but didnt work. So im here hoping to find help. Is it a physic issue(gravity), i maybe need a fonction like floating, swimming, umping or else. You know.

Also here to bring more detailed or else if needed. Thank you for your time