Character Movement Issues

I’m having an issue where my character takes too long to stop walking after I release the walking input (wasd). I set up the Anim blueprint and character moving following the UE5 documentation, so I dont know why this is happening. Here are some screenshots of my nodes:

Are you using in-place or root motion animation?

The movement component in UE5 has been updated so would be the first place I would look at.

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What’s inside “Movement”? It’s likely in there.
If there is a “WalkEnd” that would be a likely candidate.
Lag will do it too.

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I’m using in-place anims

“Movement” has the locomotion blend space where I blended idle, walking and sprinting anims

I found the solution. Under character movement I had only 200 of deceleration break. So I increased it to 2000 and it works perfectly

Some useful info

The cool thing since it’s a procedural value it would be used for starts and stops when entering and exiting the run state.

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