Character Movement broken on ALL projects (5.3.2)

Even on a fresh FPS template project. The character moves normally for half a second then slows down to a crawl. Every project has the same problem.

I tried a Verify reinstall of the engine but that didn’t work either.

im not sure but i think its the global time in ue5

try to add a spring arm and add any visible object to it

Spring arm → Cube (example)
make the spring arm rotation lag enabled and leave the advanced settings as default,

try to play again
if you`re seeing that the cube is slowing down too then its 90% global time

how to fix?:
im not sure but i tried to find the issue, your turn is fix this issue

Here it is in third person, weirdly it resets as soon as I jump and doesn’t happen again until I stop moving.

Could it still be a global time issue? I don’t know much about that.

what are you using to actually send the input? a gamepad?
try using the keyboard. it might be an issue with the input since the animation also hints that it’s going slow.

I’m using a keyboard, never even tried a gamepad.

BTW the keyboard is working fine on games.

nah cuz the animation is not slowing down too, i mean i tried to help

i don’t really know.
the input seems dampen. the global time seems ok (the animation is ok).
what is weird is that you say this happens on every project, and that seems like a template project.
also keyboard is kind of difficult to dampen.
you also say that it works well with other games. so maybe it is ue 5.3 issue. but i haven’t heard of this issue before.

do you have a build of your game or other game for a previous engine build?
or can you install, say, 5.1 2 4 or 5, and test that too?

A COMPLETE fresh install of 5.4 and I have the same problem on it.

It honestly seems unsolvable at this point.

if it happens on 5.4 too then there might be something weird on your computer going on.
since not many other people report this.

i have no idea of what the solution is, but i hope you can find a solution.

You were right… my keyboard connector was frayed and wasn’t reading inputs. Now it works.

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sounds like a special kb, i’m glad you found it. congrats :slight_smile:

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