I’m using a third person template and have recently set up a sequence and am having an issue where when I jump into the game, my character mesh is invisible, as if I was playing in first person. But after I play the sequence, the mesh comes back. Any Ideas?
sounds like you have the mesh set to hidden in game or you have some logic that is toggling the visibility that doesnt work properly. can you post some screen shots of your bps
Yeah I have a 'set cinematic node at the end of the “play” and “play reverse”. So during the “play” sequence, it hides the character mesh, and when th eplayer leaves the cabinet, or the “play reverse” sequence, it ‘unhide’ it. I think it’s the one you helped me with yesterday! lol just a different issue now…
Yes I can move around before the sequence and nope I haven’t moved the player anywhere. And after the delay node, I un-checked the “set cinematic” and checked the rest to undo everything. For some reason, if I don’t do it that way, the player will remain hidden after the sequence. I’m struggling to understand why my character is hidden suddenly (basically as if there’s no mesh, and in first person mode) because everything was working well until I spammed the interact button to trigger the sequence for debugging purposes.
I’ve closed the engine, re-started it, took off the “set cinematic” nodes… It just doesn’ tmake sense what exactly is causing the bug
the first thing that jumps out at me is that you aren’y un-hiding the player after the the delay node. But that wouldn’t cause your character to be invisible at the beginning of play it would keep it invisible after the sequence. the only thing i can think of is that you have the character and or mesh set to hidden in game in the detail panel. Otherwise its in another blueprint that theres something setting to hidden in game. you can move around before playing the sequence right? you didnt set the characters position to somewhere weird or something