Character mesh collapses and warps when in the preview in game feature.

Hello, I’m kind of new to Unreal and I’m having some trouble with my project.

When I try to run the Preview in Editor my character not only collapses but somehow gets stuck in the air and I’m getting an error that states. “Texture Streaming Pool Over 9.965 MiB Budget”. The project doesn’t have much in it aside from the one character and the blueprints that control some of the blend shapes.

Anyone know why this is happening or of any tutorials that can guide me through fixing these problems?

Here is a link to a video that shows the problem.

Greetings @WildKat037! Let’s see what we can do here.

Unfortunately, your link leads to a reddit post with no video included. Yet, from your provided information, your characted is most likely loaded with a texture or material system that is either too large, or in conflict with UE settings.

The best approach would be to review your import pipeline from start, the process in which you take your character into Unreal Engine. You can review these steps in the documentation below:

Thanks for help, I used this video in that past, but I must have messed something up in the export. I added a YouTube video to my original post for clarity so if the solution changes based on the video, please let me know.

I’m going to go through the documentation and video you linked again and re-export the character from Blender and see what happens.

Thanks again.

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