Character Mesh Animation Spins

Hello, I have been pulling my hair out for the past couple of days over this issue. This might be a lot of text to explain the issue so apologies!

In short, when an animation plays due to swapping states in the Animation Blueprint for the Character, it does a 180 degree spin at the start. The Character mesh does NOT rotate. It’s just the animation itself. No matter which animation I choose, it does it .

When the character climbs, 2 line traces are used to determain when the player walks into the wall, and then when they reach the top of the wall.

When the player reaches a certain height (distance between mesh and line trace impact point on top of the wall), a Boolean is set to true (Mantling?) which then in the Animation Blueprint transitions from the Climbing State to the Mantling State.

This is where the issue is. So no matter what animation I add to the Mantling State, it does a 180 degree spin. See video below.

Things I have checked so far…

  • I have unhooked almost all my blueprints and it doesn’t seem to be an issue there. The line traces have nothing to do with rotations of the Character Mesh, just locations of hit.
  • The Character Mesh does NOT rotate, I have used Event Tick and Print String to check Mesh rotation and it doesn’t change when the spin happens.
  • I have stopped the Animation Blueprint being able to transition to any other State other than Mantle, just in case it was swapping to a different state first i.e. Idle.
  • I have tried multiple Animations and they all spin. Yet all work totally fine when used elsewhere. I swapped the crouch animation and jump animation for the mantle animation and it works totally fine there.
  • In the animation, I have Force Root Lock set to true. I have tried multiple variations i.e. Ref Pose, Anim First Frame, Zero, Enable Root Motion, Use Norm Root. but nothing changes.
  • Animation import rotations seem fine, the animation doesn’t spin when going frame by frame.

I have deleted the Set Mantle True Boolean node, so when the character goes to mantle, he just freezes in the climb animation, gets to the top and goes back to idle, basically skipping out the Mantle Animation. When this happens, it does NOT spin, so the issue is something to do with the Mantle Boolean being set to true.

I will add A couple of videos below showing the settings. Thank you for checking this out, at this point I feel like it could be a bug as I have no idea what is going on. AnimBP + Animation Character BP, Mesh and Variables (almost all of this can be unhooked and issue still exists)