Hi everyone!
The problem is this. I made the character unfolded and laid it out according to the materials and then zipped and gave it to the person who made the necessary animations for this character. I loaded it into the engine and I have only the head left from the UV, and everything else is lost. I don’t know if it is lost or not, because the textures are piling up in the engine, even though there is no UV there, except for one body, this is the second problem. (I’ll clarify, as far as I remember, the body I have is located in the material under UDIM. And I would like to repack the body, but as I said above, my character mesh is without UV. And the source file that I received from the animator also lost UV, but it’s strange when I threw it into the engine all the materials (except for the body with a problem but they are connected) In general, I can’t understand what’s wrong here. Maybe I ticked the wrong ones by clicking in Sub. Painter or the animator in Maya. I have a guess what it is like- something related to animations or rigg, but I can be wrong.Please help me in this matter, I will indicate everything that is needed in order to solve this!
And I apologize in advance for my English
This is a StaticMesh