How do I maintain my actual character location and not spawn to where my drone is flying to. When I spawn back to my character if the drone is in the sky he keeps freefalling. How can I maintain their locations and not have to destroy the character.
Your description is too vague. Need more data.
Your character launches the drone and you start controlling the drone instead of the character? In this case you don’t have to destroy the character, it can stay where it is.
Yes i want to know how I can spawn a drone near my character and then control it, while maintaining their locations instead of shape shifting my character into a drone. Or if even if I could just spawn the character on the ground of the drone location, when the drone is in the sky would still be fine.
This is what I have so far
I just figured it out! Thanks anyway, had to break and make some transforms so the player spawned on the ground when switchiing!! XD