It is as title says. Whenever I use from Original UE4 Third Person animations to other (bought) animations my Character weirdly lean to the side. Here are some images
Any ideas why it is doing it? (there is no leaning in both animations)
It is as title says. Whenever I use from Original UE4 Third Person animations to other (bought) animations my Character weirdly lean to the side. Here are some images
Any ideas why it is doing it? (there is no leaning in both animations)
I found out that even mixamo animations do not work. But as I was looking I saw that original and mixamo animations have rotation 90 and my animations have rotation 0.
It may be the animation retargeting
I learned that it is doing because of the Transformations. Does anybody know how to set animation transform to 0, And be still standing like before? I tried to do everything I could in Cinema 4D but its not helping at all
Mixamo animations do not work with the UE4 skeleton because they have their own skeleton. Are you sure your skeleton matches the mannequin or mixamo skeletons (for whichever animations you’re trying to use)? Or have you copied and re-mapped the animations to your character’s skeleton?
I already have retargeted animations from mixamo to UE4 skeleton and they are working fine. The skeleton I am using is almost the same as the UE4 Skeleton only difference is that it does not have IK bones. And all animations are fine when I am using them alone. But when I Use Orig or Mixamo animations and I want it to blend to my animation that I bought then there is that leaning to the side. And as I already wrote the rotation of mixamo and orig. animations have 90 to X but the bought animations have 0 to X so maybe that is the problem
You could actually rotate the root of the animation to face forwards then create a new asset under create asset>create animation>current animation>preview mesh