Character launching off ramps

Anyone with more insight on what the CMC is doing under the hood? Sometimes my character clings to ramps, sometimes launches off. I want to do a Journey-type of sliding down slopes, and noticing going over bumps behave weird.

The pink is Z velocity.

At first I thought is was my applied force down the slope that was making the char cling to bumps, but it’s not large enough to be so sudden.

I do have the plugin GMC, but I’m not ready to port everything over to it right now.

I seem to be onto something: I invoke flying going downhill, give that a constant fake gravity, and when I no longer touch ground I can transition to falling. It’s sketchy while sliding down, need to improve that, but the launch off the ramp seems totally fine now.

Hi. I’ve been trying this same approach however the way we apply this fake gravity produces network jittery because of cmc server corrections on replicated latency movement. Have you ever figured this out?

Replication is way beyond me to figure out, sorry…