Character keeps falling if i enter flying mode while falling down?

So this is a weird one that has never happened to me before. I have a basic flying movement and walking movement set up properly, each work fine individually if i change the movement mode while my character is still on the ground. But whenever i start falling and i want to enter flying mode mid air, my player character floats for a sec and begins to fall again entering falling mode again for some reason. I dunno why this happens. Is there an event in character movement i should check or change to prevent that update from happening?

Just set the Z velocity to 0.

sorry for late reply, never mind, wanna know what the problem was? I was using a branch that took from the character movement what movement the player currently had and compared it to walking. If the value was not equal to walking, it would set it to walking and if it was equal to walking it would set it to flying. Well turns out that for some reason, using branches to compare an enun of character movement fires off twice, which i guess is a bug. When i changed the setup to exactly the same only that using a custom bool, it worked flawlessly, which means that for some reason unreal was firing off that branch 2 times, entering flying mode and instantly entering walking mode again… Weird but at least i fixed it changing the system BUT… that still does not answer the question, why did it fire the branch twice? Because i have custom enuns in other bps that compare tem and they dont fire off twice, which means its a bug only with the character movement enum???