If you can check if the enemy is in the air you already made the communication between both actor, you just need to make you character receive the enemy world location as well.
You can break the enemy world location and you character world location to work only with the Z value.
Enemy Z world location - Your character Z world location wouldn’t do the trick?
I have a system where my character checks if the enemy is in the air, if they are my character will jump so it can initiate an air attack on the character.
This works for the most part but if the enemy is higher or lower than the characters jump height my character will obviously overshoot/undershoot the jump towards the enemy.
How can I make it so my character can jump according to the Z location of the enemy?
as of now I’m getting the distance between my player and the enemy and multiplied that by a float to get a decent jump height, it seems to work decently for me.
I could have gotten the z location and set that for the actor but that method doesn’t seem the cleanest, I would then have to lerp the actors location so it would look natural, I would also have to account for the velocity etc after the lerp.