Character isn't moving

Okay, so this issue must be something very simple such as a forgotten checkmark or something, but I’m kinda stuck.

I tried to recreate Blueprint Top Down project and got my character, gamemode and controller blueprint. First of all, when I put a playerstart in my level, it ignores my player character and camera just sits there in middle of playerstart… If I remove player start and I run game, I can see my top down character but movement isn’t doing anything. When looking at blueprints however I can see that it activates and works correctly when I press my left mouse button. So somewhere between Controller blueprint and Character blueprint it just doesn’t connect.

So I double checked Gamemode blueprint, and what I saw there was that I’m missing a tab called ‘Input’, where ‘Block input’ is unchecked. Could this be why mine isn’t working? And if so, how do I get that tab in my GameMode defaults?

I’m sorry for this question, hope that I’m clear enough…

Hey Serellyn,

Did you set your World Settings to use your custom gamemode?

Thank you for replying . Yeah I’ve set custom gamemode. Well atleast if World Settings is same as Project Settings → Maps & modes. I’ve added a screenshot :slight_smile:

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Hey Serellyn,

You’ll also need to set which Game Mode is being used in World Settings. You can open World Settings tab from main toolbar or by going to Windows > World Settings. Then you’ll need to find Game Mode section and expand that, which will look like this:

Switch GameMode Override to your GameMode.

You can read more about setting your GameMode in World Settings here:

Hope that helps!

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Hey , thanks! I forgot that one so I fixed it, but it’s still not working.
Still no movement and still same problem when I try to use a PlayerStart. camera just goes to playerstart instead of character.

Hm, then there may be something with how your Character Blueprint is set up. Can you show an image of what your Components tab looks like? It’s possible your camera isn’t set away from your mesh properly. Another thing to check is whether your PlayerStart says BADsize on it… if so, it’s intersecting with your floor which may cause this.

I also see that you don’t have a Nav Mesh in your Scene Outliner. If you’re using same click-to-move setup as Top Down template, you won’t be able to move character without one.

Otherwise, I may need to take a look at project to see what’s causing issue. Just to be clear, if you start a new project from Top Down Blueprint template, that works fine? You can and attach project folder if it’s small enough, or you can put it up somewhere for me to download if you’d like.

Your are great and fast with your responses!
not moving issue was indeed solved my Nav Mesh, I did not know that so thank you :slight_smile: However, I can’t get PlayerStart to work. So I would love for you to check that out for me… You’ve been a great help so far :slight_smile: project can be downloaded here:

Okay, in your MyPlayerCharacter BP, go to Components tab and select Camera1 component. Scroll down to Camera Settings and in Details panel disable Use Controller View Rotation. For a standard Top Down camera, you don’t want to inherit rotation of controller for either Spring Arm or Camera. That should do it!

You sir, are my hero of week. I’d give you a medal if I had one =D Thanks a million and sorry for my noob-ish questions. Have a nice day! Or night :slight_smile: No, have a nice week!

GameStateBase instead of GameState ← that was my fix. It took over an hour of comparing every element of game mode and every parrent type.

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My issue (after many hours of banging my head against forums) was that Character → Mesh → Animation class was incorrect, and my character wouldn’t move until class was resolved to something that was animated.

I finally got my 3rd person girl character to work and walk but when I played in editor, there was a clone of my character and only second one worked but camera was stuck behind original character. After deleting first character, I was able to move second/clone but camera is stuck infront of girl and I cannot move backward, only foward. I am thinking I need to adjust spring arm but that is for orginal character I got rid of in level to control second. Anyone can help me?

This was fix for my issue.

Yes this was right fix also for my issue

Works wonders! 4.25

But why does this fix it?

I have a similar problem with a C++ project, and I have overridden HandleMatchStarted and set enable input to true, and still I get no movement. If I go to gamemodebase, I get movement and replication. Im studying ShooterGame to see what’s wrong and it’s still not clear to me.

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A bit late for party, but for whoever is still looking for answer: In Class Defaults in your GameMode, uncheck “Delayed Start”.


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Why would delayed start be useful :wink:

I am trying to create a small 3-D platformer game and I cannot get my player to move around. player is spawning correctly but yet I cannot get it to manuever around. I’ve read this forum but cannot seem to match these solutions for issue I am having.