Hey, i have posted a video that shows what my issue looks like. i’m using blend here .
Not sure if im using a bad animation for blend or just have some issues setting it up.
Hey, i have posted a video that shows what my issue looks like. i’m using blend here .
Not sure if im using a bad animation for blend or just have some issues setting it up.
Its doing that due to the way in which it was animated. Essentially the animation your using was animated to move over a distance like that whereas something like the third person mannequin was animated in a stationary position. I’m not a animator so i can’t say the best way to fix it but I would probably start by looking into root motion. The mesh is moving but its origin point isn’t.
you need to enable root motion and " force root lock" if that doesnt work then you need to place a new root bone for your animated skeleton and then retry
Hey there, like ThompsonN13 said that is the way the animation was created, you can counter this by editing the animation and either remove the translation of the animation OR make the root bone translate with the character aswell and in UE 4 enable root motion for the animation (to preview it you have to go to the top center option called Show > Animation > Process Root Motion).