I have a big problem with my project. Im creating an endlessrunner game for mobile devices. Everything is working and the game runns smooth so far, but the character is shacking back a little bit the whole time. This problem ONLY happens when i test my game on a mobile device. The problem isnt there when i test it in the editor or when i test it as standalone game.
(Im using unreal engine 5 but i had the exact same problem with unreal engine 4)
Edit: I noticed, that only the mesh have that weird shaking. I attached a spotlight component to my character and that is not affected by that.
I hope somebody can help me because im working on this problem for weeks.
ok another weird thing: i tested my game on a samsung galaxy s20+ where the problem happens. Now i tested it on a samsung galaxy tab s6 and a samsung galaxy s 22 ultra and everything is working fine.
Pleeease help me im so frustrated.
Possibly scalability is affecting it.
Can you tell/check where exactly the lag appears? Root component? Capsule? Are you using generic Character Movement Component?
The lag is happening on on meshes (static and skeletal). Other components like an attached spitlight to my character isnt affected. Im using “Add movement input” on tick to move my character ininitely.
Thanks for your reply.
Wait. You’re moving the character in infinite scroller?
Are you teleporting him back so he always stay in the same spot? Cause you may hit the precision limit if you move too far from 0. I’m not sure if that’s the case now, cause it would affect other components too.
No listen: its an endless runner game with 3 lanes (like subwaysurfer or sth.) And in this type of game the character is moving forward automaticly. So i dont teleport the character back at any time, the only movement that is happening is, that he is moving forward. But the thing I least understand is, that this laggy movement is only happening at some devices.