Character is drifting

My first angle character just started drifting. When I hold w down and release it keep going. What would cause this?

do you have a gamepad plugged in? if so that could cause the issue if the sticks arent centered properly.

otherwise do you have any physics affecting the character?

no game pad. The character works fine at first. I walk up stairs and walk off a platform then that is when it happens. I just started doing that. I think it happens if I run down the steps as well.

I did not assign any physics to the character other than what it came with i believe

If I run into a barrier or move too fast and run into any physics my character starts wandering. In this case it happens when i run into the 2nd barrier. It would not happen if I slowed down.

never mind i may have had some physics issues after all.
seems to be ok now.