Hello, I am quite new to the Unreal Engine and need some guidance on to how the character blueprint system works when it comes to collision. From what I’ve seen you can’t remove or change the standard collision capsule in any way without using some C++ code.
My questions are: If I were to make a shooter game can I assign different collisions / hit boxes to different parts of the character such as a head, legs arms and so on? And if so, wouldn’t that interfere with the original Standard collision Capsule that is going across the whole character?
If we take a look at CS GO:
They have a well created collision hull / hit boxes for their character. From what I see there are no cap souls around the character.
Last question: Can I create a character Hitbox similar to CS GO in Unreal Engine 4 without C++ code?
Thank you for reading… It was really hard ask these questions since I am quite new to it all.
you can set up skeletal collision physics assets in the phat editor, and you can use line traces in blueprint, which give you a hit result, which contains a bone name, which you can use to decide if it was a headshot or how much damage to deal.
hitboxes that detect damage are different from penetration resolving collision. you can have lots of collision components that receive overlap events or traces from bullets, but if you use a character movement component, it only updates 1 capsule collision component to resolve penetration with the environment. you can add more blocking collision components to a character, but they will not prevent the character from moving through things, because the character movement component doesn’t know they exist, but they will push other physics objects.
so adding extra hitboxes or detecting which bone was hit is easy, but if you want to make the character lay down and block their movement, you may need to make your own Pawn and PawnMovementComponent in C++, because character’s are designed for pawns that are taller than they are wide, and movement components cannot be created in blueprint for some reason.