Character getting nudged in Y-axis by enemies, despite being "constrained to plane"

I’ve done alot of troubleshooting and cant figure out why in my 2.5d game, the character is getting nudged into foreground and background slightly by the enemies. It’s blueprint is “constrained to plane” with the Y normal at 1.0.

To clarify, the movement itself works fine. I am constrained to the XZ axis when controlling the player, it’s just when I get hit by an enemy or run into/past them, i get nudged along the Y-axis.

is there anything that could cause the “constrain to plane” option to not function properly?

Hey @wildyarrow!

So it’s possible that there’s an issue based on if your collisions are based around your skeletal meshes. Are you using box collisions?

A simple fix you can do is: after a collision with an enemy, take damage, etc. Reset Y pos to 0. If you’re using skeletal mesh collisions, that might be your best bet.