Character get stuck on edge while crouching


I’m working with UE 4.6.1 and the FPS Blueprint. I noticed that my character get stuck on the edge of an object while crouching. For example if I’m on top of a creat, I’m crouching and want to drop of the crate to the ground, I cant do that right now. It’s somehow like in Minecraft to protect the player from falling down.

But I don’t wont that and I can’t find a reason for this. I have only an additional Box-Volume and a static mesh in the BP. I moved the up and set the collision to no collision - neither helped.

This is how my Character looks like:

If I’m stuck on the edge and I stand up I can fall of this edge without any problem. So what could be the problem?
Thanks for your help!


Hi men go to your character blueprint: Default> Character Movement> and activate: Can Walk Off ledge when crouching. READY :smiley:


Thank you so much
though i’m using 4.26 it still helps

For those who are coding with C++, you can enable this by putting this line in the Character.cpp Constructor:

GetCharacterMovement()->bCanWalkOffLedgesWhenCrouching = true;

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