Character floating in the air

Does anyone know why this character’s floating in the air?
Thanks in advanced!

Hi @xianwew1!

A few questions:

  • Is this during runtime? Or in just in the scene viewer?
  • Have you tried placing the vehicle lower to the ground initially?
  • If this is during runtime, can you provide more information about what is happening here?

Any additional information you can provide will be a big help in solving your problem.

Thanks for the response first.

  1. This is during run time.
  2. I did not try to place it lower the ground.
  3. The vehicle is about 2.2cm above the ground, and the vehicle is 0.001 percent of the original size. I assume this is related to the size of the vehicle.

This might be unrelated… but I am making a space RTS game, and I am gonna create battlefields in the orbit of each planet. If I use the original size of the spaceship, the world as well as the navigation bound volume would be very big. That’s why I scaled down the “vehicle” a lot to test if everything works as usual (actually it’s a spaceship but I don’t have the model for now lol)

Hey @xianwew1,

It is a bit hard to tell what’s going on with the info you gave, as it is still a bit vague.

  • You said this is during runtime. Is there no gravity on the vehicle? Does your vehicle move as intended?
  • What happens if you try to place the vehicle lower to the ground? Does it float in the same place you placed it?
  • Being that small it is a bit hard to tell just based on the model what is happening. What does the collision look like for your ground mesh?

Hope these questions point you in the right direction to look!

Maybe it is a static object with physics off.