Character falls through static mesh

OS: Win 8.1
UDK: 4.4.3

I have copied over the FPS_Character Blueprint from the realistic rendering demo and have a character falling in my world.

The character falls through a flat static mesh underneath them.

All things look set up correctly, the static mesh has collision enabled for it.

I have found that editing the static mesh and applying a box collider stops the character falling through it. I’ve also found that setting “Collision Complexity” to “Use Complex Collision As Simple” appears to fix it too.

However looking at the RealisticRendering demo they have collision complexity set to “Default” and yet still collide correctly.

Am I right in presuming that having a static mesh, set as static in the editor, should use it’s polygons for collision detection? Something akin to “Mesh Collider” in Unity.

Is there a place I can set the default behaviour to what I need?

Am I right in presuming that “Use Complex Collision As Simple” is using the polygons of the mesh as a convex hull?

Finally is there anything I should do to stop my character, who is a capusle, from falling through the floor? Everything looks correct so far.

Hi PompeyPaul,

Could you post some screenshots of your characters Details panel? Specifically the Collision section.


Have been trying but whenever the upload completes I get “no such uploaded.”. Will persevere and see where I get to.

That sometimes happens on AnswerHub. Usually if you try to upload once or twice more it will work.

Here’s the piece in edit, set like this it’s broken

This is it set to work

Here it is in the editor

When I compare with RealisticRendering demo

Which looks similar in editor to mine

Hi PompeyPaul,

I see what is going on now. The floor from the realistic rendering demo doesn’t have collision at all. While editing, fly outside of the building and you will see there is a blocking volume in use for the floor collision.

This is one solution for simple scenes such as this demo. If you want to use the floor mesh more than once in your level I would suggest creating a simple collision for it. You can use the ‘Use Complex Collision as Simple’ option (and you are correct on how this works) but it’s more taxing that just simple collision and should be used sparingly.


Awesome thanks. It’s good to have this confirmed as to what is going on. I would vote this as “resolved” but not sure how to.