Character dropping weapon on dying

Hi everyone,
I’m working on a FPS and I try to do the character drop his atached weapon on dying.
When the character is hitted by a projectile and die, I apply a impulse using Launch Character blueprint node.
In that moment, I want the character drop the weapon (and the weapon falls realistic with the impulse)
Somebody can help me with this in blueprints?

My first problem: when I detach the weapon from character, the weapon stays frozen and not fall to floor

Thanks in advance


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Once you detach the weapon try setting the weapon to simulate physics and give it a mass equal to the aroximate real world mass of what the weapon would be

This ^^

And then add physics material with bounciness over 1. You will get true murderous weapon. :smiley:

It would be easier to spawn a fresh weapon upon death.
You can set the transform of the new spawned weapon in the same place as the old one and delete the old one.

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Hey! Thanks Enigmaa, Nawrot and KinDaKreator… I took your advices and figured out…