I have a PlayerStart placed in the level, but the Character doesn’t spawn at the PlayerStart. It’s like the PlayerStart doesn’t even exist. Instead the character spawns where the current camera is at in the editor before hitting play in the PIE.
Is there a setting somewhere I’m missing? How can I get the PlayerStart to play as it’s supposed to?
My character is set as the default pawn in my GameMode Blueprint and my GameMode override is my GameMode blueprint as well.
So I played in selected viewport and it appears the character isn’t being spawned where the player start is. While playing, I took a look at the camera and auto activate for player is checked. However once I hit stop, there is no camera in the scene. Is there a way to turn this off for the default camera or something?
Thank you for your help. The actor has the above checkbox checked, and I created a new player controller and it had the other checkbox you mentioned checked by default. I didn’t try to assign it because I assume the default player start has it checked as well.
I tried spawning the character manually in the level blueprint at the location of the PlayerStart and it worked. I’m just not sure why it doesn’t otherwise.
It’s not a big deal to spawn the character manually. Thank you!
hey I think I might have figured out what’s causing this. I was having the same issue and I just solved it. Under your world settings you may need to reset the kill Z distance. My landscape is pretty massive so I had to adjust the kill z so that the character isn’t spawning into a kill zone. i think by default Unreal sets this to -1000 on Z.