Character Dash in the mouse direction

Hi all! So here’s my problem!

I want to make a dash unsing the launch character node. Rigth now i’ve been able to make my character dash foward and everything is ok with that. But what I really want is to make him also dash toward were the crosshair (the mouse) is facing!

By the way i’m using the First Person BP!

What i mean is if my character is looking upward i would want him to dash on the Z axis and with the foward vector also!!

I really don’t know how to tackle that ?

Here below what i got rigth now!

Thank you for the help!

Ok I’m back just found it by myself!

I had to use foward vector of The First Person Camera instead!

All works fine now!! I just have to tweak the physic a little and everything should be ok!

Were you able to overcome the problem where the player will stick to the floor but will launch through the air when you dash? Setting the ground friction doesn’t seem to do anything for me.