Character Customizer (Version 4)

Speaking of hair does anyone know if you can alter the amount of scatter in the hair shader? The hair glow that is, not the scatter parameter

Currently it seems to be controlled by shadows. I want to disable shadows and use shadow maps but the problem I find is that the hair glows like crazy if I do that.

Does this work with the default Third Person Skeleton Animations? @mlindborg

I was checking the Paragon character Dekker, the hair shader is quite complex, but what you mean by scatter? If it is the shiny it is controled via specular mask and uses the specular pin in the material. You can check there too and play with the parameter and see what they do and/or if any other character has the features you want on hair.

Yes but I wouldn’t recommend them because they look really jank on non-robot characters

This is without and with shadows. Specular parameter doesn’t change anything as to the glow, I’ve tried all of the parameters and none of them seem to make a difference

What about the Female Movement Aimset Pro

Would probably work

Cause that pack uses the T pose and not the A pose

You can always just put it in an A pose or vice versa

The main thing with T versus A pose, relates to the quality of the skeleton mesh itself. T pose seems to cause less issues when animations need to have character moving arms above shoulders, than with skeleton meshes in A pose. Anyway, a good modeler would make the best no matter how those are choosen. If you see models like Lara Croft in Rise of the Tomb Raider, that one is well modeled no matter what the character will do, ie: climbing walls, jumping, holding a bow or a riffle, etc

A pose is better because it gives you good deformation in the standard range of motion (idle, walk, run). In AAA games like Tomb Raider they use correctives for poses that deviate a lot from the bind pose like climbing, kneeling or what not. With T pose you’d have to use a corrective for almost everything if you wanted high quality deformation but I guess it’s a bit more versatile if you can’t use any correctives at all.

Are the animations that are in this video, are they included?

[quote=“jojo8026, post:134, topic:107564”]

Are the animations that are in this video, are they included?[/QUOTE]

No that is Advanced Locomotion System

What animations are included cause I am not a character animator at all :stuck_out_tongue:

Just the idle animation

Could you just add the Third Person character animations like the walk animation if you wanted to or wouldn’t it be that easy?

is easy to add animations, the problem is that the third person character animations will look really **** because are too robotic. You can check Female Animset Pro for female or the standard one for the male but you will need to adjust the skeleton pose handly (spine position, head position, leg position… etc…)

It would be very easy, I just don’t want to because it would be a bad showcase

I’ve thought about commissioning a simple walk and run animation for the project, or doing them myself, but that’s a way off

that is not really important and imho you don’t need to worry about it.

I do agree. Your asset has nothing to do about animation itself, afterall it is a character customizer. It just need to be ok for use with any animation for Epic skeleton.

Is it possible that any Paragon animation set is viable for you to use in the showcase? I didnt have time yet to check this.

i’ve tryed some paragon animation with it but sounds pretty strange and irrealistic to see (i prefer real animation more than sword fantasy one), at least for me… I got better result with other anim pack from the marketplace but there is some problem with weight on the low body parts, is better from the last update but can be better optimized imho, try and let me know.