Character Customizer (Version 4)

From where you’re trying to attach it?

Doesn’t matter, if it’s during runtime there’s a delay, if it’s at beginplay it’s synced

I suspect it’s a threading issue. If it’s in the latest release and you can point me to it i’ll take a look at it this weekend.

It’s in current release, I just couldn’t tell before because it’s only noticeable with fast animations

can i suggest to open a thread about this problem, i think there is more visibility there.

I agree, open it in the forum’s animation section. I can’t image what it could be to be honest.

I will continue posting here to report some problem to the author hoping doing something appreciated.
Note: the retargeted animations use the epic skeleton and the pose is the same

i’ve tryed different animations but seem’s there is some deformation problem with crouch animation… or legs and foot position to be more precise (i’ve taked screenshot to the left side but also the right side have the same problem):

i will try now with some epic animations to see if i can reproduce the issue.
also confirmed with epic animation starter pack


I’ll see about improving the weights. Also please don’t post anything that can be considered nudity in the thread.

edit: changed the picture on page 6 post #90 to mask nudity <–


Hoping this reports help you to publishing smootly on the marketplace with less problem as possible to deal later, i’m not here to complain, just to provide some marketplace end-user feedback, hoping you understand this :slight_smile:

The wrist is messed up because the animation doesn’t rotate the twist joint enough. The elbow can maybe be improved a bit but not by much without corrective blendshapes.

yep, the elbow is ok, it need as you said just a bit improvement nothing important, the problem is with the legs, a@@ and foot position from my point of view, tested with various animations, mocap and handly maded :wink:

the upside of the body seem’s ok, i didn’t tested complex animation but i think is important that the most basic animations works fine (idle, walk, run, crouch, jump atleast) and i found some problem just with the crouch one with lower body deformation and overlap, didn’t tested the jump to be honest but seem’s fine from your ALS video.

after all the “small” problem are fixed up i will suggest you to publish this product to an higher price, actually there is some problem but i’m sure that you can fix this and the quality will be just a triple AAA.

i’m talking honestly, there is only one product on the marketplace that seems has been abandoned, if you can release a “clean/working” product be sure to sell a lot.

i think the most important things are:

  • fixing the downside of the body (weights right? i’m not a 3d designer)
  • fixing the runtime problem mentioned from you previosly, i’ve replicated it, it happens when you remove and add again the ponytails with a running animation for example
  • fixing if possibile the UV difference from head-body and other body parts (is noticeable)
  • try to make it integrable easily with other system (simplify the reference for replacing character_bp for example or remove it entirely and split it with two master blueprint: male and female – see added question for reference)
  • integrate the FBX for let us create some clothes

Added Question:
also i don’t understand why is present a master blueprint and two child blueprint (one woman and one man), it will be not better to have one master woman and one master male blueprint? the skeleton as you said before is different (and if it is not then is better only one blueprint). Also this can cause some problem when you need to spawn it in a multiplayer environment because something is defined in the character_bp and something else in the female/male blueprint. i think using two different master blueprint will be better, let me know if i’m wrong and why :stuck_out_tongue:

PS: Edited.

Not a bug, just how I laid out the UVs The rest will be probably fixed.

Because the widgets reference the parent BP

understood, is the first time i see difference between UVs in a character to be honest (from game played POV and characters models available)
i will not insist on this point, maybe someone else will complain about it in future.

Hoping you can fix the rest.

i will come back when a new update will be available, thanks for your answers!

The standard is to put UV seams for skin where they will be probably covered, ie: clothes or hair. The main issue is when you will have a skinhead character or a almost naked character. Anyway, with the FBX in hands, anyone can customize the UVs to better define the use for the character, but a UV mapping can’t solve everything. There are techniques to make the seam almost invisible, but I don’t have experience enough in this to be able to describe in a language which is not my mother language >.<

I will download it when i come back from work, can i ask if in this release there is the fbx? Thanks!

How easy would it be to update the project? Lets say I downloaded your current version, and few weeks later you upload a new update. Would replacing the content folder do the trick? What if I have custom stuff already?

I’ll include the body meshes in next release (marketplace release)

Not sure. I think you’d have to redo your changes. You’d probably be better off copying over the stuff you added from the previous project instead.

I’m updating it pretty frequently now because there’s a lot of stuff to improve still but in the future it will be fewer changes, more content related.

This looks amazing and I’m likely going to buy it. A couple questions:

  1. How feasible will it be to make standard fantasy-type races using the morphs? Specifically I would be interested in a pointy ear morph, a height scale without reducing width for dwarf/gnomes types, and the ability to customize skin tone. Perhaps some or all of these options already exist.

  2. I think this has been asked, but would you consider making a tutorial video on creating a simple clothing asset to work with the system?

  3. Same as question 2 but for creating an as-simple-as-possible hair mesh asset to work with the system.


Not super feasible because I don’t want everything on a single mesh. Theoretically you could add hundreds of morphs and bone modifications for different races or what not but this would add too much convolution in the blueprints and a lot of dead weight since the majority of options wouldn’t be used. Also you’d probably want different morphs for different races anyway.

I’ve thought about adding different races like elf, dwarf etc because I imagine this would be popular, but I’d add them as separate characters.

If you have experience modeling it’s no different than the standard asset pipeline. To add stuff to the menu you just put the mesh and materials in the appropriate data table.

Gotcha thanks for the answers. Hmm, what you’re describing for having popular fantasy races as separate characters, do you mean you might consider adding them to this project?