Character Customizer (Version 4)

It says in the post right above yours

“6. Update the Spring Arm reference in the construction script to the spring arm of the new character blueprint”

would you mind to make video tutorials? your product is the best character costumizer available in the market and there is some info spread here in the forums about it but video tutorials are aways welcome ! products like ABK, SGK, wich have a lot of sells and most of people use, have tons of video tutorials that is why they are famous, also because the amazing content.


I hear you, but unfortunately I don’t have the time. Thing is, Character Customizer is a project that involves many different areas of content creation/scripting. People have asked me for tutorials on 3D modeling, animation, rigging, texturing, UI design, even general game scripting. I can’t keep up with the demand.

The time I do put into this project I prefer to spend on working on updates, making it more accessible by design. If you have a question I will try to answer it, preferably by email, and the more concrete your question is the higher chance I can give you a good answer.

wow, now i agree with u.

Small update today which fixes gamepad controls not working properly for the hair widget because I forgot to update some variables in the previous update a month ago. Should only concern people who have downloaded the project since June 27th, in which case you can download an updated version of the project and replace CC_Hair_Menu in …\UMG\Widgets folder. Don’t do this if you’re not using the June 27 update though because it will break the menu.

can i add models i make using your character customizer to other projects i have in unreal or is it strictly set to your project?

Have anyone an tutorial how I can setup an switch if I want to create an new character or start game with an saved one from the creator? I don’t have buyed it yet but im planning it. Because of the good support. A lot of updates. That’s really nice.

The customizer doesn’t produce models, only save data. Characters are either stored in the project’s SaveGame file, which should be used for in-game customization, or you can add characters manually to the CC_Characters map structure and access them anywhere by assigning the name to the character instance. SaveGames are part of the project folder structure (although I think you can just move it), characters in CC_Characters can be used in any project if you copy the content folder.


If I understand your question correctly, you can create an empty customization map and have the Character Customizer menu created on BeginPlay, with disabled movement and such, then open the game map and run the Load function if it doesn’t load automatically through the construction script.

Hi Sir!
I have a problem video link

Incorrect IK setup probably. Can’t tell without seeing your animations/animation blueprint.

IK? I dont Setup IK. Because I did not see such a thing

We do not fully understand it, can you explain more clearly?

No I can’t, as I said. Your video/graphs don’t show anything. Is it IK aiming or an aim offset? What bones are dysfunctioning?

the bones are working but, Animations like in the video are distorted. What codes should I show?

Show me the animation with bones visible

I shot a video look

It seems like the twist bones are rotating for some reason. You are retargeting these animations I assume?

how do we prevent character body from clipping through the clothing, is the clothes meshes that are not properly weight-blended? this happens to almost of the clothing if you add big-image.png muscle…

here is the bug on the original marketplace project… using your own characters…

Quick question regarding the base mesh, is it two characters, 1 female and 1 male with multiple shapes?

and what is the mesh setup, 1 single solid mesh, or is the head and body, or anything else separated?

Thanks Inadvanced