Character Customizer Blueprint System

I don’t have any videos for that specifically. It’s a pretty simple concept tho. If you scroll up you’ll see the screenshot I posted of how you can stack multiple black and white masks using a blend overlay. Then you just create a dynamic material instance for the body and swap out the 2d Texture Parameter anytime you equip a new piece of clothing.

Hello ! I am hoping maybe you could enlighten me on this issue as I am trying to do some research for a thesis around this topic. Does your Character Customizer have any functionality for adding decals onto a characters (i.e., tattoos, scars, blemishes, etc.?) if so how would i go about setting that up on my character, blueprints or otherwise? I know unreal has deferred decals but they don’t work on skinned skeletal meshes, such as characters.

  • Any ideas why the back of the hair here is displaying incorrectly in game when a child of the Mesh inherited, but fine as a static skeletal in game object?

No sorry, I don’t know why it would do that. Could be the rigging or even the material. Not sure if you’re using a dynamic material instance or not. If you are maybe check to make sure it’s using the correct opacity mask.

Has this been added to the Marketplace yet or should we still purchase it here?