Hello, i am creating 2D papercharacter game, where i found out about the capsule component problem, which doesnt perform well on solid square surface. I read that creating a new Pawn takes a long time bcs of writing CMC. I tried to create a new Collision Object types → OC_Playerr and OC_Item.
So you should be able to drag your cube collider onto “BP_Player” To make sure it’s at the same level as the capsule component, then Ctrl+click everything under capsule component and drop it onto the cube collider… then after that just right click your capsule component and delete it!
Once you do that… two things.
1 why not make the mailbox a cube collider as well?
2 can you show video or at least a screenshot of it happening? Also make sure the two actors are on the same plane! That’s important for 2D. So the same “depth”: X or Y depending on how you’re doing it.
Thanks for answering me! @Mind-Brain
First of all my BP_Player is derived from Character Actor class which has predefined capsule component as a default root component which i cant change or delete, i cant even get anything to the same layer.
And about the mailbox , i just wanted to test if the collision works as i thought it would and the post box had already that sphere set so i used it. I can provide you a video of everything that i think is important. I would really like to solve this problem… ahh