Hello all, I’m very new to UE4 (2 weeks) so apologies if this question has been answered already but I can’t seem to find anything on this. I’m creating a third person character game and I’m trying to create jumping animation. Everything works except when I jump the running animation continues to play while my character jumps.
I can’t seem to figure out how to stop the running animation. Do I need to create a jump State as well?? Or disable movement node?? Help plz?
As I can judge from all the tutorials I’ve seen, the general practice is to have idle/walk/run => jump => fall => land => idle/walk/run animations. But if you don’t want that, you can simply switch to idle animation once the “Is Falling” bool is true, and back once false.
Hi there,
If you ar using UE4, create a new project from template, choose the Third Person Template. It comes with a complete setup for player and animation blueprint.