I have the collision presets for the character mesh and capsule componet all set to pawn. but when my character collides with an enemy. i go flying through the air, sometimes it just pushes me a little… but other times its pretty intense lol. Not sure how to fix it, ive tried setting it to different presets/custom presets but its just all the same end result… any help is greatly appreciated!
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You can try a few things, but I am unsure which of these that will work:
- Check the Mass and Physics Material settings for your character and enemy objects. If the Mass of your character is much lighter than the Mass of the enemy object, it can cause your character to be knocked back more easily. Similarly, if the Physics Material for your character is set to a low friction value, it can make your character slide or bounce more easily upon impact.
- Check the Collision Complexity settings for your character and enemy meshes. If the collision mesh for your character is too simple, it may not accurately represent the shape of your character and cause issues with collisions. Similarly, if the collision mesh for your enemy is too complex, it can cause performance issues and unexpected collisions.
- Adjust the Physics Collision settings for your character and enemy components. You can try tweaking the Collision Response settings for your character and enemy components to better control how they interact with each other upon collision. For example, you could try setting the Collision Response for your character’s capsule component to Block for the Enemy channel, and vice versa for the enemy object.
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