Character Class Blueprint Collision Problems

In my game I am using a Character blueprint based on the side scroller template. I want my character blueprint’s capsule to ignore a mesh spike and the player’s skeletal mesh collide with the spike. The problem I’m running into is that no mater how I arrange the collision stuff the player either A) simply ignores the mesh/capsule entirely. or B) it blocks it entirely. I mostly just want to get the bone struck by the spike so I can attach the player’s character to the spike upon death. Can anyone tell me what I could be doing wrong? Is there some sort of inheritance bug going on from the parent capsule over writing the mesh’s collision settings? I’m not sure whats going on.

Some screenshots of my setup:

Hmm. So from these screenshots the only thing I can understand is that your spike is being blocked by the mesh. I would probably create a new collision response channel just for your spike or objects like your spike. You can do this in Edit → Project Settings, under Collision. And then for the Capsule Component and Mesh in your character blueprint, you should assign this response row to “Ignore”.

Doesn’t work, it just does the same exact thing as before. It either blocks at the capsule or completely ignores the whole set.