Character Child Class Skeletal Mesh Default Issue

Ok, link sent via forum’s PM, sorry for the delay but I didn’t get any notification of your answer.

Hello Judicator,

This seems to be a different issue than what was originally being reported here. The original issue was a problem where child blueprints would lose their inherited skeletal mesh and return to having no skeletal mesh.

While your issue does seem similar at first glance since it’s the animation blueprint being lost, this seems expected. The two different vehicles (the base and the other one you mentioned in your private message, in respect of not saying the actual names) are using two different skeletons.

This means that the cannot use the same animation blueprint assets. You can duplicate an animation blueprint and retarget it to use the other skeleton but it will still be a separate asset. If you wanted to have the animation blueprint inherited, you would need to use the same skeleton for the two different skeletal meshes.

If you do continue to have issues with this or believe that it is a bug, please post a new answerhub post as it would be best to not derail this old one.

Have a nice day!

Hello ,
firstly thanks for looking into this.
I’m not sure I’m completely getting it right:
I can get animations on children working by using different animations blueprint? In this case by creating different copies of the animation blueprint and applying one for each children?

By using the same skeleton for for the two different skeletal meshes you mean that every bone has to have the same name for different skeletal meshes?

As I mentioned previously, if you would like continued support on this issue, please post a new question as it is a different issue than the one originally reported on this post.

I’m sorry , I didn’t get it, I started a new thread. Children vehicle blueprints don't keep animation blueprint of the parent - Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums

I found a solution that is working quite well! It’s just a few easy steps. Tested in 4.15

Step 1: Remove the character mesh and animation BP from the Parent. (Set AnimBP to None)

Step 2: In the Child, use the node “Set Skeletal Mesh” to your character. Check “Reinit Pose” and set the inherited mesh as the target.

Step 3: Use the node “Set Anim Instance Class” to your animationBP. Same mesh target

That should about do it.

I have have eight child actors all using this method and it works with all of them, no loss of data or missing characters.

Here’s a couple images to help ya out.

Parent Character


i have had the same issue it changes player scale for me back to 1 i will set the scale to 28 restart engine problem still consists this is a problem with setting simulate physics as player will fall through floor