Character change screen with E key

Hello, when I press the e button, the game pauses and the character selection menu appears. 2 buttons appear on the screen. I want the character skin to change when the player presses the 1st button, how can I do this?

I’m new to unreal so I would appreciate it if you could explain it a little easier.

can you please help

How much of this do you have at the moment? Which part do you need help with?

Break it into smaller steps. Do you know how to:

  • press E to pause the game?
  • create widget and make it show what you need?
  • apply material to player character’s mesh?
  • use a dispatcher to communicate a button press?

Hello, when you press E, the menu opens and the buttons appear. Just press any button and the character’s appearance should change with the specified skin.

I understand what needs to be done. Merely asking about the part you need help with. See above bullet points.

What needs to be done:

• have a widget with some buttons
• in the character bp:

  • create this widget on begin play
  • reference it
  • bind the buttons’ onclicks to custom events

• the custom events set the material on the character mesh
• implement E key in the player bp, have it pause the game and add the widget to the viewport

That’s pretty much it. As in the DM, the YT tuts cover all of the above in great details. Do give it one a chance. It will show you how to handle the critical bits which you can then adjust the way you need.