I created a simple move to actor function, it targets a trigger box and works. The problem is that after going to the trigger box, i cant seem to move away anymore. it is stuck and can only move one step then goes back to same location.
this is my code in a widget, which will pop out before doing moving on button click
this is in the level blue print.
I cant seem to find exactly where it went wrong
PS. The player will not be able to move for a short time, but after the i can walk freely again. Anyone know why im getting stuck for a moment after arriving to my destination ?
is the character able to get to the origin of the target actor easily? it sounds like it isnt quite making it to its destination and it needs to adjust the position of the character until it gets to the location. for example if you were using a ai move to then i would say to increase the acceptance range but in this case thats not possible so my thought it can we move the target actor slightly to compensate. does your script work correctly with other actors?
Yes the script works since it will walk towards the trigger box. The problem appears only happens to some of the trigger box though, where after getting to the location i will get stuck, but more like the character is still walking to the destination yet it already is. i also adjusted the trigger box so that it is not overlapping any wall.