I have several bugs that happen in 4.12 related to character blueprint. I have following Pawn class structure: C++ Character-> BP_Character → BP_Child. These bugs happen only running networked game with server. No bugs in standalone client game.
- I have this old crash on pressing play button after converting to 4.12 too. Crashdump talks about BP_Child replication. https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/397989/blueprint-replication-problems-on-transition-to-41.html It does not crash when I am opening BP_Character asset first (kind of preload).
- Mesh component Rotation, Animation_BP, Collision values of BP_Child are reset to null after editor restart even so BP_Character values are set. https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/316460/bug-chield-blueprint-values-resetting-on-editor-re.html
All of these bugs are related and happen because of broken BP_Character after upgrade. They happen only in networked games. I recreated BP_Char and the bugs are still there.