In 4.17.2, inside my Character BP, I was moving a docking tab for one of my functions and somehow this accidentally caused ALL my tabs to dock below the viewport tab (normally they’re beside it). No matter how many times I move the tabs back up to where they are supposed to be, and click “Save Layout”, the next time the BP is opened, the tabs are all reset to be below the viewport. Clicking “Reset Layout”, adjusting, then “Save Layout” also does nothing. This is definitely a bug. I would like to know if anyone has found a workaround for this! Thanks for your time.
Praise God!! Here is a workaround for this bug: move your tabs in such a way to create a side-by-side panel view. Compile and save. Close the BP and reopen. You should notice the side-by-side panel was retained. Now slide the tabs so they are a single panel as original. Compile and save. Close the BP and reopen. The layout should be retained!