Character Blueprint Broken?

I am using UE5 and I watched this video:

When I select the character, I go to the level and I am using the right blueprint, but I cannot move or use the camera. The blueprint is compiling fine and everything in it seems to be working alright. I Have no clue what is going on here. Thanks in advance!

Show me your BP pls:)

I don’t know what part you need but here is the movement input area.

I forgot to mention but this BP is copied from the thirdpersonBP. Dunno if that matters

Is the thirdpersonBP working?

Yes, its working completely fine

Looks like enhanced input. You can try the normal third person BP input method

Like that

I have no clue how to do that :skull:

very simple

Hi @EndPlayz

Simple and silly question, how do you spawn the blueprint and do you poseess it? If its not posessed you wont get any control input.

Changing the input type wont help unless you have possessed the pawn correctly then not so sure :slight_smile:

I knew about that, I just don’t know how to make the key inputs for moving. Otherwise this did work so thank you very much

Does your project have the input actions created for each movement/action? And do you have an inputmappingcontext?

If so have you CONNECTED that to the local subsyystem?

Somewhere on begin play put this


Make sure you select your mapping context i the drop down box

This is how I did it.

I dont see anything setting the enhanced system local player subsystem , this is a must for it to work. You need several things for it to work

  1. 1 or more InputActions (1 for each action you want to perform)

  2. An input mapping context which adds controls to each of the actions from step 1

  3. Map this to the enhanced system local player subsystem

Do you hjave all of these? If not then it wont send the controls to the character