Character and Clothing

Hello guys!

I am new to Unreal and just playing around to build kind of a small survival game.
I am using :

Like i said im really new to this stuff and try to figure out things for myself but now i need help.
How i can create a character which can wear clothing?

On the marketplace i cant find any like “naked” character with seperate clothing peaces.
Is there anything out there? a tutorial , a asset or anything else which can help me? Or is there someone who can teach it to me? cuz im really stuck at this point.

I really like to hear from you :slight_smile:

You could use a base mesh found for free on a 3D models website, you could make your own with a 3D modeling tool, you could use characters from Mixamo, a character creator like iClone.

thats the point i know where i get it from. but i dont know how to do it.

Do you want to have the clothing move realistically or just sit on the character like armor To attach it to the character make a modular character. To make it move realistically you should look at the tutorials in the UE4 documentation.

If you are trying to make the cloth move realistically go to the documentation. but to add skeletal meshes go to the modular character documentation